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Johnathan H Waters MD
  • Johnathan H. Waters, MD

    Department of Anesthesiology

Johnathan H. Waters, MD

Department of Anesthesiology


Dr. Waters' areas of expertise primarily focus on transfusion management, blood salvage and obstetrics. He has been federally funded to support investigation in these areas with multiple peer-reviewed publications resulting as well as three books on the topic of blood management. In addition to conducting research, he has served on the editorial board of the journal Transfusion, and is the Associate Editor for the Blood Management section of the journal. He is a former member of the Clinical Transfusion Medicine committee for the American Association of Blood Banks and currently serves on the Committee on Blood Management for the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He is the immediate past president of the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management and its representative within the American Medical Association's Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement. Currently, he co-chairs a technical advisory panel for the Joint Commission which is charged with developing performance measures related to blood management. He just finished chairing a subcommittee for a State of the Science symposium at the National Heart Lung & Blood Institute.

Education & Training 

  • BS, Missouri University of Science & Technology 
  • MD, George Washington University 
  • Residency, New York University, Anesthesiology 

Research, clinical, and/or academic interests 

Dr. Waters' research efforts have focused on trying to reduce allogeneic blood transfusion through several strategies, one of which is better coagulation management using point of care laboratory devices.

Current Projects:

  • Expanded Access IND Administration of HBOC-201 in Patients with Severe Acute Anemia
  • Data, Tools, and Infrastructure for Surveillance of Biologics
  • Algorithm for Predicting Obstetric Hemorrhage


Transfusion Medicine