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Anthony Kontos PhD
  • Anthony Kontos, PhD

    Research Director

Anthony Kontos, PhD

Research Director

Anthony Kontos, PhD, joined the Concussion Program as assistant director of research in 2010, and the program’s already lengthy list of publications and research began to grow even further. Dr. Kontos brought to UPMC considerable experience as a hands-on researcher, with more than 50 publications and 100 presentations. He also delivered keen insight as project leader and organizer, securing funding from sources ranging from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command to the NFL.
Previously, he was a professor and chair-elect at Humboldt State and director of the North Coast Sports Concussion Program in northern California, and an associate professor at the University of New Orleans, where he directed its sports-concussion testing program. While in New Orleans, Dr. Kontos also was an Adjunct Professor in the Sports Medicine Fellowship at Louisiana State University-Health Sciences Center. 
Dr. Kontos’ research in sports-related concussion includes psychological issues, neurocognitive and neuro-motor effects, and concussion in youth and underrepresented groups. He is the Program Chair of American Psychological Association’s Division 47, a Fellow of Eastern Psychological Association, and a member of the Association of Applied Sport Psychology and American College of Sports Medicine. He also serves as an associate professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Medicine.